Join me in noticing and gathering evidence of who we, what things are important to us, what brings us joy and comfort as we make lists as a way to practice creativity and mindfulness for just a few moments each day.

The Best of Five Things gives you a simple month-long practice of making a list of five things each day. With this special round of Five Things, I've gathered up 30 of my favorite prompts from previous rounds of Five Things (mostly from the sessions in 2022) and put them all in one place so you can take this course at any time, not just during the months I teach new rounds each year.

Just like other rounds of Five Things, each daily lesson includes an invitation to pause and be present, a prompt to write your daily list, my response to the prompt and ideas on how I create in my Five Things journals, plus our list of Daily Five Inspiring Things that always includes a poem, a song, a quote you can download and print out, and two other links to inspire and support you.

You will then make your list in a notebook, in your art journal, with photos, as part of a scrapbooking project, or simply in the notes app on your phone. There will be lots of suggestions along the way.

Why five things?

I like this kind of list because it's just five things. And five things seems doable even if you have just a couple of minutes or when you've had a rough day. Doable self-care is a sweet spot we all need to be able to find as we move through the world.

It’s a bit like a gratitude practice.

A list of simple things helps us reach toward gratitude without insisting we must feel grateful. We make these lists in The And Spaces of our lives - where we feel joy and grief, hope and uncertainty. Even on the really tough days, the beauty is there, and making a list helps us connect with what’s important to us. 

Your Five Things practice can become:

  • A way to connect to what is important to you
  • A chance to get creative
  • An opportunity to pause during your day
  • A snapshot of this moment in this season of your life
  • A decision to pay attention to the beauty and truth around you
  • A bright spot each day 
  • A doable daily practice that you can continue long after the course ends

{Five Things} is already filling my days with noticing and intention. I love the combination of your thoughts and gentle guidance to actually put pen to paper, as well as some poetry inspiration and a few places to look at on the Internet. I have started a journal that is making me smile.
Past Participant

This is a great class if you are new to my work or feel like you just need to spend some time writing some lists with me during a month I'm not teaching a new round of Five Things. It's also a great course to gift to someone. Even though there is not a designated Facebook group for The Best of Five Things, we do share with a hashtag on Instagram and you are always invited to share your lists with me. 

A little more about your teacher, Liz Lamoreux: 

I teach creative and mindful practices to help us navigate The And Space - the place where we hold beauty and grit and honor everything in between. I use poetry, photography, and art journaling to tell my stories, and if you spend a little time with me, you’ll probably end up writing a poem. Most days you can find me creating in my journals, making jewelry and other reminders to help us keep showing up, or singing along to Hamilton with my kid. 

I've been teaching rounds of Five Things since June of 2020 when I knew my community needed a manageable daily practice to invite in joy and comfort during such uncertain times. Since then, I've taught it 2-4 times a year and more than 1500 people have taken it, many returning again and again over the years.

You can find out more about me and connect with me at 
my website and over on Instagram.
A Few More Details:
You can sign up for the course below, and then you will receive an email with information on how to log in. When you first log in, you will find a couple of pages waiting for you, including a warm-up prompt. Then starting the day after you sign up, a new lesson will appear each day for 30 days. You do receive a daily email reminder that the lesson is live, and you can always log into the classroom.

For those who would like to connect with others, there will be a group hashtag we'll use over on Instagram.


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Here’s what I want you to remember: In this course, we’ll pay attention to the feelings, details, routine, senses, longings, and experiences of daily life. That’s the goal here. And we’ll do it together. You don’t need to make this a new creative project that has a few art supplies or a new journal, unless you want to! I will repeatedly remind you that this course is about choosing the adventure you need right now. And you'll be able to come back to these prompts again and again. If you have questions, just get in touch.

Side by side,

And if you want to head back to my website, just click here.